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Research your home in Norwich


The NRO has a good series of poor rate books arranged by ward, but they do not include street names until the 1830s. The location is given after 1835 and from 1855 the arrangement is by street rather than by ratepayers’ name. They list owners and occupiers liable to pay. 

NCR 20c/4-19 Poor Rate Books, Easter 1633-Easter 1680

N/T rate books, include council housing in some of the later volumes:

  • N/T 23 Poor and General District Rate Books 1825-1955 (sampled after 1921; first and sixth year of each decade retained)
  • N/T 27 General Rate Books 1955-1957
  • N/T 33 Parochial Poor Rate assessments 1718-1830

NCR 7k/1-13 National taxes, including Commonwealth subscriptions, Hearth and Poll Tax with other Royal Aids 1588-1702

NCR 23a Land and Window Tax Assessments 1665-1832

Registers of duties on land values, known as Domesday Books, c1910, were prepared by the Inspector of Taxes in accordance with the provisions of the Finance Act 1910, (see list P/DVL), and provide a comprehensive survey of property for a single year. They include a brief description of each property, the names of its owner and occupier and its value. ‘Domesday’ book P/DLV 1, 1910